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Jesus said: "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE!"

воскресенье, 19 декабря 2010 г.


Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy.   
He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.   Psalm 126:5-6                                                                                        

It is time to share what is going on here and how the ministry is flowing...

Many things were changed since last time I wrote. I have been working on different jobs, but all the time I've heard God's voice telling me: "I have called you not work but to serve!" I was very surprised by that. But how about money and expirience? God comforted me and promised to take care of me. He is very faithful to His words. But it does not mean I am not working at all. I am giving English classes, and want to have a new group now. I would love to teach Swedish too. It is my great desire!
So, back to ministry... Our evangelism group is doing fine. One of the leaders has joined our group too. We have been praying and discussing and planning many things. As soon as many of us are working, I' ve been visiting many places, like orphanages, hospitals, baby home in order to offer our help and cooperation. We should remember that many such centers are "well-equipped by Local Government and they actually dont need anything. But we did not stop here. We were going to many other places and litterally were "knocking on the doors".
 We knew that God is always with us and whatever the door could be opened, we could help there. Fortunately, the door of one orphanage was opened for us and we could talk to the director about some opportunities. We talked about many things and at the end she agreed to start an English Club there and have it once or twice a week. Me, personnally was very surprised and happy about that "open door". We will start to teach kids in January and hope it will be a new start for knowing God too through it!:)

 Later we decided to name our ministry as Mercy Ministry. The main purpose of Mercy Ministry is to reach as many people as we can by helping, sharing our faith them and lead them to the Lord. Tos erve them here, today, now! Then, God led us to certain people to talk with. Personal evangelism helped us to reach those  people:

- Katya (recently made an abortion, repented)
-One old lady named Izolda, wants us to visit her once or twice a week. her heart is very open to Gospel.


 A broken and desperate girl came to me one evening and said: "I cannot sleep at nights, I feel a strong guilt that i made an abortion and that somebody was telling her at night "You killed the baby". Katya looked very sad and lost. We started to talk about God and hours flew. Later she said that she wants to repent in that sin. We prayed together and she accepted Jesus to her heart. Next day she came to me and said: "I feel God's forgiveness!" We started Bible lessons together. Also we want to invite her to Alpha Course!:) 


   Anya (from the group) met her on the street one day and gave her a Chuvash New Testament. This month we started to visit her once or twice a week. 
Izolda has a bad past life during the Soviet Union and her background concerning her parents and relatives. All the time she starts to talk about it, she cries. All the time we speak about God, she cries. All the time we sing, she cries. These are the tears of God's healing, tears of joy and hope that Or Lord Jesus has given her!
 We try to help her in the house, buying some food. Recently fixed her windows from the cold.
She has a young lady named Elena who is renting a room in her flat. They both have repented and agreed to start a Bible study at their house every Sunday. It is a great blessing! 
It is a great blessing for us!

We also have created a "Hot line" where people could call and ask about God different questions. Printed invitations for Alpha Course and would like to start it in January.:)
I think here are the main news. 
We ask you please, pray for us, our team and Ministry! 
God hears all the prayers!  
 May God bless you and help you! 

For contact us: skyzm1@yahoo.com  

вторник, 14 сентября 2010 г.

среда, 14 июля 2010 г.


That's very true....When you come tired after a long day and knowing that you have helped God and spent time for Him, you feel a pleasant tiresome...and it is a nice feeling!:)
Right now our evangelism group has created a certain plan how to reach people here in Chebocksary. As we know, Chuvash people have many roots  with paganism and it is one of the reasons  to reach their hearts.
Also people becoming more closed because of the present time and all the innovations they are involved in. That is really sad. What we have decided is to continue the project that was started last year called "Feel the Power of Changes". The idea of the project was to consult people by phone and spreading the book of testimonies of different people by given addresses. We were working on the phone every day and every night and there were many calls. Now we have their addresses and we think it is time to "reap the fruit". We have about 150 addresses an huge number of  telephone numbers. We split addresses by different envelopes and yesterday we went out just to pray for two houses and next week we want to visit them. We would like to get involved in this ministry too, so they will also have certain addresses and pray then visit people. Plus, we want to create so called "hot line" where people could call and get consultation any time. But right now we are praying for all this and we don't want to "run" somewhere cause it is not about the quantity but about the quality! We want not use people but to invest in them! Salvation of people has an eternal value and that is why it is a great privilege to serve a Mighty God!:) Follow us and pray for us! We need you too!:)

     - for the team (strength, boldness, love and compassion for people)
     - Church (to be involved and eagerness to serve)
     - people to whom we will go and tell about Jesus
     - new Church (pastor, new people)

среда, 16 июня 2010 г.

Our visit to one family....

On Tuesday (June, 15) we have visited a family who was attending our Church before. We haven't seen them for one year and God provoked us to go to them. In the family there is mother whose name is Galina and her son Andrey. Their story of life is full of difficulties and uncertainties. Galina's life started successfully until she started to think about her spiritual life. Before that she was a successful business lady but soon she started to search for God! She searched Him by different ways, there and there. It feels that she read many books and her point of view is very "clear and unclear". Today she lives by different visions, icons and unstable ground in God. We were talking about Bible as the first source of knowing God and real and simple faith in Jesus without any "human difficult ways". Her son Andrey also had many problems, both physically, mentally and spiritually. In fact, they know God and they have a lot of knowledge about Him and to make an easy step to Him and recognize Him as the Saviour and Lord of their lives makes them to think through the "human glasses".

Please pray for them, so that God will open their eyes to the truth and salvation. 
We would like o visit them more and share God's love and our faith in Him!
Follow us!:))) 

понедельник, 14 июня 2010 г.

Jesus is Mighty to Save every person!!!

Evangelism group

It is so wonderful to know and feel in your life that God has saved you, but it it is twice wonderful to tell others that God wants to save them too. Everyone is called to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation to people. You too!!!
Our team here in Chebocksary decided to do that. We are a team of 5 people who want to share about Jesus in different places, like hospitals, orphanages, streets, homes, to homeless people and etc. Where ever God want to send us, we want to be His hands that are giving and doing and feet that are going. Have His heart that is full of compassion and love that will flow into the hearts of the lost and weary people. (Matt.11:28)
We have a plan of the evangelism and purposes, but we want you to pray for us every day that we will be effective and useful in God's hands. We really need your prayers and support in God's ministry. 
Right now please pray for: 

1) Team (unity, warm friendship, spiritually strength, vision)
2) People to whom we will go and tell about Jesus
3) Protection, authorities

Remember, you are becoming a part of our team for praying us! May God bless you!

Last week we went to feed poor people on the streets and it was such a great blessing for us all. One girl (Tamara) was sharing later and said "Before going and serve to the homeless people my heart was very cold, but after seeing, helping and talking to them, I felt my heart started immediately to melt like a candle."  Others also felt very blessed in serving them.

Follow us and we will tell you more.... If you want join us and pray for us, we would like to know that. Leave a comment or send e-mail (skyzm1@yahoo.com)  Thank you! 

пятница, 7 мая 2010 г.

Gene Miller - I Will Celebrate (lyrics and chords)

Praising GOD Forever!!!

Have you ever thought that there is something in this world that is impossible for God? I have! Of course there can be even more questions... As this is my blogg, I decided to share not only about "great" events in my life, but also some thoughts and ideas and my meditations.:)
Recently, for example, when I started to look for a job in my city, I also started to pray for job that God wants to give me and I prayed and prayed and at last I thought that God doesn't want to give me any job. At last I was tired of waiting and decided to do something with it. I went in different places for interview and placed my resume in different websites and so on. At the end I was tired of the whole process, but still God lifted me up and gave me strength to continue to search and again, companies, interviews, people, questions, suggestions and etc. Later I decided to go door by door and ask for job and asked God to open any of those doors but they were all closed. Only the last one and the best one for me was widely opened and I came there right in time when they needed a new manager in one tourist agency. It was just perfect job for me that I was dreaming of. The gladly accepted me. My heart was full of praise to God and I learned one lesson from this situation that our work always should be 50/50 and not 70/30 or 10/90. God wants us also to work very hard so you will see the ONE WHO HELPS YOU in all you do or try to do! Thanks to ALMIGHTY GOD WHO IS TEACHING US EVERY DAY!

четверг, 29 апреля 2010 г.

Wonderful moments......

Several days ago we said goodbye to our dear friends from Texas. Six wonderful people who are passionate to serve God and come to Russia and give all the best to people of Chuvashia. How wonderful it is how God joins people together and makes us and them to be One! Our Church enjoyed them and welcomed them very warm-heartedly. Although the weather was cold, it didn't stop their work here in Chebocksary.

Saturday (Day of arrival)
After leaving bags and having a little rest in the Hotel we all went to the Chavash restaurant where they served different kind of Chuvash food. We liked that, although most of it was meat. Later on the schedule was to visit Mega Moll and next day to visit our Church.

Sunday (Momentous event for two Churches)
 That day we entered into a covenant between the Church from Allen and our Church. It means that we will work together for many long years and help each other in mutual God's work to glorify His Name. All we want to see is how God will change and and expand His Church, create new and be exalted in them. All our trust in Him!!!
Later at the same day we had a meeting with our leadership from the Church and had long conversations on different topics. It was exciting!:)

Monday (Celebration Day)

 Our friends have decided to cook a very delicious chicken salad that we liked very much. Our brothers and sisters brought also many tasty things from homes and together and was a real feast! We sang, talked, laughed, made pictures and just enjoyed the time together. our friends sang some English songs for us.

At the end we handed to our friends presents, so they will also remember that day and the Covenant.:) It was a wonderful and happy time together!!!

Tuesday (Day of departure)

Such a sad day! Of course we didn't want to go them so soon, but everything has it's time. That day we walked in the center of the city, visited two museums, took some pictures outside and went to Mc.Donalds. The time runs vey fast and it is so hard to say "Good bye" But we knew that they will come many many times in future, but the most important thing that we became "One" and dear friends with each other knowing that this friendship, this unity will last forever. We love our friends and waiting them back. We would love you also join us in prayer and see how God will make miraculous things in our lives!!!! Stay with us!:))) God bless you richly!!!!!

пятница, 2 апреля 2010 г.

Back home....


When I came back to my town, the only thought I had in my mind: “I am back at my sweet home!”:)
My roommates didn't know that I will come that very time in the morning at 6 o'clock. It was so unexpected to them, they were so shocked to see me! But it was my plan to surprise them!!! It worked out!:)) My cat didn't recognize me at all, it run away from me and hided under the bed. Later she started to smell my bags and taking out all my staff. It is how she welcomed me!:) Then when I was sleeping she came to me and started to smell and purr. She recognized me at last!:)))

I was so happy when my brothers and sisters were so happy to see me in the Church. They started to ask a lot of questions. I decided to organize a Missionary Night to tell them all about my adventures! I was glad to see how much they were waiting for that day! God is really is so amazing!

The Missionary Night went so well, that my heart was rejoicing to tell them everything that God has done through the school and us as a team. I shared about traditions, food, culture aspects, miracles that God has done and also we were drinking Mongolian tea (green tea with salt, milk and butter).
 We are all enjoyed that time! Now I was invited to another Church too to share with them too. Pray for this too, that I will just tell the information but encourage them and so they may glorify God!:)))

What else? Yes, good news!!! At the end of April comes a team from Texas. The same team that came to Chebocksary last year. Our Church is very happy about it and looking forward to it. The main goal is to help our Church, to work out future plans and encourage us!:) Our Pastor Sasha and me will go back to America with them. It will be exciting. Especially for me, because it was my dream to go there. But the problem is that it is very hot in Texas and I don't like hot weather. Anyway we will find out the way….
After few days I will go to Moscow for interview to get a visa. Please pray that everything will be good and I will be safe there!
The weather here is so nice and sunny! You will enjoy if you will come to my town!:))) You are always welcome to visit me!
Ok, I think it is all for now. I will be glad if you will leave any comments or questions.
God bless you!!! Keep always in touch with Him!!!:))))

вторник, 9 марта 2010 г.


The last two weeks were kind of busy. I went to Nyrob with one team from Hawaii. They had an Outreach in Turkey and then in Russia. So we went to one village, 7 hours far from Perm. It is in north of Russia. The nature is very beautiful there. I was just enjoying looking on all this God's creation.
We did a lot of work there, helping with firewoods, shawling snow, playing with kids and playing hockey with them. We stayed there for 4 days and these days were intensive.
Also, I went to ski for the first time this winter, at last!!!! I noticed that I wasn't so good at it at all, like I was at school. I need training!:))

My next step will be is going home and start get prepared for the trip to America. I have just applied for visa and I hope that everything will be good.
Pray for this too. I am also excited to see all my friends again back i Chebocksary and see my little cat Krasotka :))
I also wish the spring will come soon, I miss beautiful green trees, beautiful flowers and singing birds.

Well, not so much is going on here, but still every day is a journey and it is always full of surprises and changes that are always coming......
Have wonderful days in your life every day dear friends because God is WONDERFUL!:)))

суббота, 27 февраля 2010 г.


The day of graduation has come! It is sad and also it it is joyful. The next step of life will be taken! God has really done many amazing things through this school. There were moments of fall and moments of joy, but all this was good for us.
Especially everything was seen on the Outreach! Everything that we have learned during the lecture part were applied on the Outreach, such things as: love to each other, unity in the team, compassion, help and team building! I am really thankful for everything what God has showed and done for us!!!
Now it will be sad not to live as a team, under everyday schedule....but what will be the same is our relationship with OUR FATHER....THIS WILL CONTINUE FOREVER!!!

On the picture is our DTS staff and students

Me, Amy, Marta and Deborah

I will miss all my friends, leaders. I am for their great example and impact on our lives and their sacrifice for us every day! God has shown many things through them! Praise GOD!!!!

Our portraits....:)))

We again.....:)))