Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy.
He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him. Psalm 126:5-6
It is time to share what is going on here and how the ministry is flowing...
Many things were changed since last time I wrote. I have been working on different jobs, but all the time I've heard God's voice telling me: "I have called you not work but to serve!" I was very surprised by that. But how about money and expirience? God comforted me and promised to take care of me. He is very faithful to His words. But it does not mean I am not working at all. I am giving English classes, and want to have a new group now. I would love to teach Swedish too. It is my great desire!
So, back to ministry... Our evangelism group is doing fine. One of the leaders has joined our group too. We have been praying and discussing and planning many things. As soon as many of us are working, I' ve been visiting many places, like orphanages, hospitals, baby home in order to offer our help and cooperation. We should remember that many such centers are "well-equipped by Local Government and they actually dont need anything. But we did not stop here. We were going to many other places and litterally were "knocking on the doors".
We knew that God is always with us and whatever the door could be opened, we could help there. Fortunately, the door of one orphanage was opened for us and we could talk to the director about some opportunities. We talked about many things and at the end she agreed to start an English Club there and have it once or twice a week. Me, personnally was very surprised and happy about that "open door". We will start to teach kids in January and hope it will be a new start for knowing God too through it!:)
Later we decided to name our ministry as Mercy Ministry. The main purpose of Mercy Ministry is to reach as many people as we can by helping, sharing our faith them and lead them to the Lord. Tos erve them here, today, now! Then, God led us to certain people to talk with. Personal evangelism helped us to reach those people:
- Katya (recently made an abortion, repented)
-One old lady named Izolda, wants us to visit her once or twice a week. her heart is very open to Gospel.
A broken and desperate girl came to me one evening and said: "I cannot sleep at nights, I feel a strong guilt that i made an abortion and that somebody was telling her at night "You killed the baby". Katya looked very sad and lost. We started to talk about God and hours flew. Later she said that she wants to repent in that sin. We prayed together and she accepted Jesus to her heart. Next day she came to me and said: "I feel God's forgiveness!" We started Bible lessons together. Also we want to invite her to Alpha Course!:)
Anya (from the group) met her on the street one day and gave her a Chuvash New Testament. This month we started to visit her once or twice a week.
Izolda has a bad past life during the Soviet Union and her background concerning her parents and relatives. All the time she starts to talk about it, she cries. All the time we speak about God, she cries. All the time we sing, she cries. These are the tears of God's healing, tears of joy and hope that Or Lord Jesus has given her!
We try to help her in the house, buying some food. Recently fixed her windows from the cold.
She has a young lady named Elena who is renting a room in her flat. They both have repented and agreed to start a Bible study at their house every Sunday. It is a great blessing!
It is a great blessing for us!
We also have created a "Hot line" where people could call and ask about God different questions. Printed invitations for Alpha Course and would like to start it in January.:)
I think here are the main news.
We ask you please, pray for us, our team and Ministry!
God hears all the prayers!
May God bless you and help you!
For contact us:
We also have created a "Hot line" where people could call and ask about God different questions. Printed invitations for Alpha Course and would like to start it in January.:)
I think here are the main news.
We ask you please, pray for us, our team and Ministry!
God hears all the prayers!
May God bless you and help you!
For contact us:
Zhenjushka! I am so glad you have a blog where I can read about your life. God is using you in so many different ways in order to heal people's hearts and let them hear the Gospel. You are so willing to serve Him! How pleased God must be :)
ОтветитьУдалитьMay God bless you with His great blessings so that you will always have everything you need. The work you are doing is good :)
Love from, Debbi
Thank you Debochka! Very sweet of you!!!:)
ОтветитьУдалитьLove you, miss you!!!:)