In Mongolia we will stay for 3 more weeks. We leave Mongoila on January,23. In Mongolia we will work with YWAM staff and with Jon Koehler "Streams in the Desert" (www.mongoljohn.net). We will also work with prison staff, visit different orphansges, prepare Bible lessons for the staff, arrange Coffee-houses for believers and unbelievers and we will go at nights to the Ladies of night giving them hot tea and sandwiches and talk to them. These are he main ministries we will do here. I addition to it we will make different dramas. devotions, games and teaching English.
A lot of work is waiting for us. I am very excited!:)))
Please pray more hard for us!
We are not exactly sure what we will do there. We will also atay thre for 3 weeks. There is a YWAM base too. In China it is forbidden to talk about Jesus openly. We will not be able to use Facebook there. Everything is scanned there. The only opportunity is to change Christian terminlogy by some other words.We will also do a Friendship Evangelism there. Then after China we will go to Vladivostok and stay there only one day and meet our other team and then togetther we wll fly to Moscow and from Moscow to Perm by train. We will come back in the end of February. Then we will have graduation and everybody will go to their homes. Honestly, the time runs very fast.:(( But there are so many things to remember after this wonderful Missionary School!:)))
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